J.P.S. Public School, Morna-Bhopa Road, Morna, Muzaffarnagar-251316

Mandatory Public Disclosure



As an educator, I believe that education opens up the mind, expands it and allows one to improve one's life in so many ways.

It is to recognize skills of a child, establish and sharpen them to achieve health, respect, prosperity and fulfilment. Life gives you challenges and education makes you able to resist and overcome them.

The world is changing rapidly and it has changed the role of educators and school as well. Now, a school is not only to provide academic excellence but also to produce a future ready generation. Students need to be motivated to become life long learner, creative, sagacious, critical thinker and productive member of the society.

The aim of education is not just giving knowledge for a future job but to create an understanding of moral and ethical values to guide one's life in right path.

Here, In J.P.S. PUBLIC SCHOOL, we focus on cognitive, affective and psychomotor objective of learning. We are shaping and nurturing our children like a gardener do with a new sapling. Giving them wings soaring high by using latest technology, modern teaching aids. Empowering teachers to teach effectively. We believe in blending literacy with values to produce good citizens.

Student, parents, teachers, society and schools, all we can make everything possible with a high level of commitment, passion and consolidate efforts.

This is the high time to move forward together. "Start where you are, use what you have and do what you can."





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